The 5th National Rigid Polyurethane Foam Conference will take place at the
Centro Congressi Città della Scienza
Via Coroglio, 57 - 80124 Napoli

A modern congress space among the most significant in southern Italy, with a large and varied system of rooms, spaces and services, in an abandoned industrial area but affected by a large redevelopment project.
The choice of the congress venue intends to underline the importance of redevelopment projects of abandoned industrial areas and their transformation into centers of cultural promotion and dissemination and incubators of innovative projects. The reconversion of the industrial area of Bagnoli, largely occupied by the former Italsider, began in 1993 when the IDIS Foundation started work on the construction of the City of Science. An ambitious project, which has encountered numerous obstacles and which still cannot be said to be completely concluded today, but which strongly represents the will to support scientific and technological culture.
The idea of the City of Science was born during the first edition of the "Remote Future" event. The title chosen for the fifth conference originates from this suggestion: TODAY for TOMORROW . Because we hope that the future is really around the corner.