• May 12, 2022
  •  | 
  • Città della Scienza
  •  | 
  • Naples

Thematic Room

The National Rigid Polyurethane Foam Conference has two Thematic Rooms and a Focus Time Room.
At the end of each report of the Thematic Rooms, 5 minutes are foreseen for the debate and for any movement of the public between the rooms.

Efficient Cities

Energy Efficiency, Building Systems, Application Methods...

Sustainable Technology

Raw materials and technological innovations for the polyurethane industries...

Thematic Focus

Morning: sustainability and circularity
Afternoon: safety and fire prevention


The management of the 2 thematic rooms has been entrusted to university academics who are experts in the subjects.
The teachers, whom we thank for their precious collaboration, are also part of the Scientific Committee, charged with evaluating the research projects presented.
Prof. Marco Imperadori

Politecnico Milano
Efficient Cities

University Full Professor, researcher and designer, Marco Imperadori, focuses his interests in high energy-efficient buildings, Structure/Envelope Building Systems and in general Sustainability. He is Msc and PhD in Building Engineering but he likes to act as an Architect, as his background results of a mixture of both these complementary aspects of building design. He was Lecturer and Visiting Professor in many Universities and Institutions worldwide. Since 2015 he is Visiting Professor at USJ Macau (China). Author of scientific publications and essays, his work was published in many books and magazines.
Imperadori founded in 1998, with Valentina Gallotti, Atelier 2, design studio placed in Milan, where he applied experimental and academic research projects in practice, winning national and international awards and prizes. He directed the studio until 2016.
He is currently Rector's Delegate for the Far East representing Politecnico di Milano in Asia. Scientific coordinator of the international prize Compasso Volante since the beginning he's also funder, with José Luis de Sales Marques and Carlos Marreiros, of ACE- Architecture Culture Environment seminars in Macau.
He was responsible for Politecnico di Milano in the building Resilience Network Android (EU-LLP). He is member of Fondazione Pesenti board, former member of CasaClima scientific committee, member of Promozione Acciaio sustainability committee and scientific consultant of FederlegnoArredo, and member of ISTeA (Italian Society of Science, Technology and Engineering of Architecture) board. He represents Politecnico di Milano in the Active House Alliance.
Recently he has been awarded The Beautiful Mind 2016 by FARM Cultural Park, and is a member of the Scientific Committee if the School of Architecture for Children SOU in Favara. With Ginette Caron, he was awarded the GRAND PRIX DU DESIGN 2018 in Canada. He is the scientific consultant of Arte Sella in relation with the architectural installations and Honorary Consultant of CAC - Círculo dos Amigos da Cultura de Macau (since 2019).
Prof. Michele Modesti

Università di Padova
Sustainable Technology

Full professor of Industrial and Technological Chemistry at Padova University where he graduated in Chemical Engineering. He is professor at the School of Industrial Engineering of Padova University where he holds the "Industrial Chemical Processes II" and "Polymer Processing and Recycling" courses. He is president of the master degree program in Chemical Engineering and Industrial Processes. In 1995 he has been nominated as member of the AIDIC counsel and he is actually a member of GRICU, SPE, PPS and AIChE associations. He is member of the board of the Italian division of SPE (Society of Plastic Engineers) where he filled the role of vice-chairman (2007) and chairman (2011-2018). He was director of a master entitled "Chemistry and technology of polymeric materials" and he was national secretary of GRICU (Gruppo Ingegneria Chimica Universitari) for two years.
He is referee for the following international journals: Polymer Engineering and Science; Polymer Degradation and Stability, Cellular Polymers, Journal of Polymer Engineering, European Polymer, Journal of membrane Science, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. He has been supervisor of over 200 experimental master degree theses on polymers. He is author of over 250 publications including over 90 research articles on international journals with referees, 5 international patents, 15 book chapters, 1 chapter of the Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology and over 150 presentations at national and international congresses.
Prof. Piercarlo Romagnoni

IUAV Venezia
Efficient Cities

Piercarlo Romagnoni, graduate in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Padova (Italy), PhD in Energy Management at the University of Padova (Italy); he is Full Professor of Building Physics and Thermodynamics at the IUAV University of Venezia (Italy), since 2005. He is author of more than 200 scientific papers and communications in National and International revues and congresses.
ASHRAE member since 1994, AiCARR member since 1996, AIA (Italian Association of Acoustics) member since 2002 and member of Subcommittee 1 and 5 of CTI (Italian National Committee of Standards of Thermodynamics) since 1989.
Director of the IUAV FisTec Laboratory from 2002 – 2013 and Scientific Coordinator of the IUAV Laboratories from 2014 to 2015.
He was the Director of the Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environments from 2015 to 2018.
His main research fields are in building physics, green and sustainable buildings, thermal and energetic behavior of buildings and HVAC systems.


Exhibition Area

In the gallery of the Congress Center, information desks will be set up for companies in the sector who will present their products and applications.

Research Projects Award

On the occasion of the Conference, ANPE establishes an Award for the most significant studies and research projects developed by university students or young researchers.
The entries received will be displayed in a special area of the Congress Center.

Working Group

The planning of the Conference was handled by the specific Working Group established within ANPE whose members are:
Emanuele Barisoni, Lisa Favilli, Cristina Javarone, Paolo Lusuardi, Marco Monzeglio, Teresa Morano, Fabio Raggiotto, Massimiliano Stimamiglio, Aaron Schirra, Andrea Stefani, Antonio Temporin.