Roma 10 ottobre 2019

Meet at the conference

The National Conference of Rigid Polyurethane Foam organized by ANPE, and now in its 4th edition, is proposed as a meeting point between institutions, manufacturing industries, the academic world, professionals and operators of the various sectors involved in technological evolution and application of polyurethanes.
A multi-thematic and multidisciplinary event which, focusing above all on the building sector, will dedicate ample space to the increasingly evident need for a global rethinking, both of materials and of design and construction processes, which privileges energy efficiency, sustainability environmental, the reduction of the resources used and their future re-use within a supply chain based on the principles of the circular economy.
The title of the Conference "POLIURETANO 4.0", therefore, does not refer only to the edition number of 2019, but above all intends to underline the commitment of the industrial sector of polyurethanes to contribute, with innovations and resources, to the cultural change in progress.

National Association of Rigid Polyurethane Foam

The 4th National Conference of Rigid Polyurethane Foam is promoted by the ANPE association.
ANPE - National Association of Rigid Polyurethane Foam - has been active for 30 years and brings together producers of raw materials and transformers that have, as a common denominator, the use of rigid expanded polyurethane in products or products intended for thermal insulation.
Members of the association are the main Italian manufacturers of insulation board, sandwich panels, rigid block foam as well as producers of spray foam systems, including companies dedicates on on-site application.
Supporters of the Association are the producers of main and secondary raw materials, formulated polyurethane systems, coatings and plants and machines.
To learn about ANPE activities: www.poliuretano.it



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